Saturday, November 15, 2008

dont worry be happy

hi I'm Maddy most of the kids on here are probably going through a tough time with a brother or sister feeling lost and alone on how you feel.

don't worry. your not alone there's lots of other kids that are going through the same thing.

we will be able to tell each other are story and what happened!!

when i was 8 we started to adopt a little girl from Haiti it was hard (we are STILL! adopting)
i get angry and upset are baby would be home but Haiti is not letting her. i never thought that if i ever were to adopt a baby it would take shorter! actually i thought that we would send money and they would just drop her of! boy i was wrong!

but don't worry i went through tough times i would cry but then i remembered I'm in gods hand and that's all that matters

so don't worry ill blog next week bye!


Elicia said...

Great job sweetie!
This is wonderful.
I am so proud of you.
Hang on sweetie, your sister
will be home soon.

Heather L. said...

Maddy, this is such a wonderful idea! You are a terrific big sister and friend to other children adopting a brother or sister.

Brooke Olivia said...
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CC said...


Great job with the blog!
You go, girl!
Your sweet little sister WILL come home. I know it doesn't seem like it some days. But she will.


karen said...

wow! What a great job Maddy! What a wonderful idea to try to help others during this hard time!
You have a huge heart!
Your baby sister will be home soon , hold on to your faith!

Judie said...

You have such love for God and trust in His plan for your family. I am inspired by your faithfulness! Thank you for your encouraging words. Keep up the great work!
You're awesome!

Amber said...

Maddie Cakes-
Myna is so lucky to have such an awesome big Sister!
Wyatt looked at your blog earlier and said that he thought it "rocked!" What a great idea to help other kids that are waiting for their brothers and sisters to come home. You are such a thoughtful person!
Sometimes we as Mommies and Daddies forget how hard the wait is for you guys thank you for doing will help a lot of kids get through this tough time of waiting!
I sure do love you Maddie. You are a special girl....
Hugs and hugs and hugs,
Amber :)

Diane said...

Hi! This is Heidi. I think it is neat that you are doing this! I remember how hard it was to wait but once they get home it's easy and hard. It's easy because they are home and you don't have to wait any longer, but it's hard because you can't understand a word they're saying, and it's funny how they think that the sink and the lights are totally amazing!
Hope you get your baby sister soon!

Lindsay Mama to Nine said...

Hi Maddy,
This is Gabrielle.
I remember playing with you at your house.
I wanted to tell you I understand how you feel.
I miss my brother and sisters everday and pray for them everyday.
I will try to look at your blog alot.
I also wanted to tell you I got to hold your sister and I gave her a kiss from you and helped feed her dinner one night. She is a happy funny girl. I hope all of our kids will be able to play someday.

Love, Gabrielle

Chelsea said...

WOW!! I'm impressed with everything about this!! Most of all, with your sweet heart toward the Lord. You're right, you are in HIS hands, and so is Myna! She is the luckiest girl in the world to have you for a sister!

One Crowded House said...

Maddy- this is wonderful....

Elicia said...
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The Christianson's said...

Hi Maddie! Cool blog! You are such a voice of hope and encouragement! I am so proud of you. You are thinking of others and you are already ministering to others that God's timing is perfect and we may not always understand his timing, but it is always what is best for us and for our families.
Keep up the great work! We love you guys and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We have so much to be thankful for!
Hanna, Grace and David Christianson